make sure you are focused on selling the right things!
You have an exercise to complete- grab some paper and a pen.
I want you to think about the different types of services you charge money for. Normally these would be listed on the SERVICES tab on your website.
You may have 3, you may have 9, whatever.
Rank them from top to bottom for me, with 1 being the most important to you, and the last one being the least.
Example– a car repair shop might list: 1) Brake repair, 2) A/C Repair, 3) Transmission Repair- etc. Usually you will rank them by profitability, but that’s up yo you.
Our small team at Mader Marketing spends a LOT of time thinking about how we can do niche marketing for our clients.
Niche marketing is simply the act of focusing on our clients most profitable and highest revenue services and customers.
Conversely, we also make suggestions for cutting off and getting rid of:
- Services you hate doing and are not profitable,
- Customers that are a problem and a drain on your time and money,
- And anything else that makes your life miserable.
Make sense?
Since you now have a local digital agency of record working on your behalf, let’s start marketing to the particular services and prospects that you WANT to have.
Ever heard of the 80/20 Rule? The idea was hatched by an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto. He noticed that 80% of the wealth in his village was always created by just 20% of the businesses. Month after month, year after year.
Up until a few years ago, I thought the idea was mildly interesting.
But suddenly I realized this rule applies to EVERYTHING. I started applying the 80/20 Rule to my own digital marketing business.
At the time, I called my local digital marketing business “Outside The Box Digital Marketing.”
I offered my services to any small business owners in my local market. Every small business owner who needed my help became a customer. They were all extremely happy with my personal, digital marketing process, but many of them were not a good fit.
To be honest, there were customers who took advantage of my time, my pricing and me in general. After reading about the 80/20 Principle in a great book written by billionaire Richard Koch, I realized I needed to “fire” the 20% of my clients who were wasting 80% of my time.
Even though I had a Unique Selling Proposition (the same one I have today), I had not figured out the last piece of the puzzle, which is… Stop marketing to everyone, because when you do you ARE BASICALLY MARKETING TO NO ONE.
So virtually overnight, my company changed. I knew exactly who to target, where to find them and what to say to them.
Now- go back to your list that I asked you to rank and ask yourself these questions:
Is my website prioritizing and promoting the TOP 2 or 3 items with a lot of content?
Are there actual services or items I sell that are NOT listed on my website?
This is some of the most valuable time I spend when I sign on a new marketing agency client.
Questions? Send them to me!